Thursday, September 22, 2005

American Entrepreneurial Success

Wealthiest Americans:
1. Bill Gates - $51 Billion
2. Warren Buffett - $40 Billion
3. Paul Allen - $22 Billion
4. Michael Dell - $18 Billion
5. Larry Ellison - $17 Billion

4 out of the top 5 have made their money in the technology world. Now, that's solid wealth creation - total net worth of $108 Billion. Got to love the american entrepreneurial machine. None of them were super rich when they started their companies. You would appreciate this phenomenon more if you keep going down the list. The next five are from the Walton family, another great american entrepreneurial success story (called Wal-Mart.) And 11th on the list - Steve Balmer, another Microsoft billionaire.


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