Monday, April 04, 2005

User input and product development

A few months back I had written about the problems in being too user centric. To continue that discussion, I feel that no survey or focus group will ever tell you what the next great thing is going to be. An industry transforming idea comes from people who understand a new technology well enough to dream up an unintended use and who are stubborn and skillful enough to implement what nobody even knew to want. I feel finEye kind of fits into this mould.

The question "what can we do to help you do you job better" is too loaded and the answer can rerely result in a revolutionary product. User input is absolutely essential in improving a revolutionary product, not creating one. VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program, is an example. It is difficult to believe that a "staple" application like the spreadsheet was not invented with any user input.

Bottom line, it is better to go ahead and actually build your revolutionary product (at least create a good working prototype) and then seek user input. Once you are ready to talk to customers, keep an open mind and don't get defensive when you get conflicting ideas on how to improve your product.


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