Rocketboom's Ad Model
The world of online advertising is truly changing. I talked about Rocketboom's service a few days back. These guys have come up with a new model for advertising -
they will control the content/ad creation. If the sponsor does not like the ad, then the deal is off. Basically, it will require the winning bidder (bids are on eBay) to relinquish creative control and allow Andrew Baron and Amanda Congdon to create the ads. I like the model - don't let you viewers get annoyed by stupid/irrelevant ads and at the same time make the sponsors happy. There is a certain demographis that Rocketboom caters to and I think they are in the best position to create ad content that will appeal to this demographic. Here is the link to the bids on eBay.

I thought the title "Rocketboom's Ad Model" referred to the model or the girl in the pic ;)
My take, as are many others', is the adworld is going to dramatically change in the next few years with Tivo and VoD changing the viewing habits of Americans.
Rocketboom is an interesting experiment and vblogs and web based broadcasting is likely to become mainstream very fast.
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